Back in the saddle: Install/Setup Elastic stack 7.0 on Ubuntu 18.04

Wow, the last time I really used the Elastic Stack it was called the ELK stack, and it was version 2.0. A lot of things have changed since then, so I am going to do an updated post on installing and setting up the Elastic stack.


  • Learn all the components of the Elastic stack
  • Learn the logging architecture/pipeline
  • Setup the Elastic stack manually or with Docker
  • Create visualizations and dashboards in Kibana
  • Ingest Zeek logs into Elastic stack

Elastic stack terms

  • Documents – A basic set of data that can be indexed. An example is a line in a log file.
  • Type – Allows you to assign types to documents in an index and the types are defined by the user. For instance, if we are collecting logs from Zeek in an index we may assign a type for DNS logs and another type for conn logs.
  • Indexes – A collection of documents that have similar characteristics.
  • Shard – Shard is the process of separating a large index into multiple pieces. These shards may be distributed among an Elasticsearch cluster.

Helpful curl commands for Elasticsearch

  • curl http://localhost:9200 – Status of ES
  • curl -X GET "" – List all the indexes in ES
  • curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/<INDEX> – Delete index

Logging pipeline explained

One of the most important things to understand is how the logging pipeline operates at a high level. The high-level overview helps beginners understand how all the components of the Elastic stack work together. In the beginning of out our diagram above (left), we have the “LOG” phase, which is actually two functions in one. The first function is the producer of logs such as MySQL, Zeek, NGINX, etc. The second function is the logging client (Filebeat, Rsyslog, syslog-ng) that reads these log files and ships them to Elastic stack. For this blog post, we are going to focus on using Filebeat to ship logs because it is log shipper created and maintained by Elastic.

The next phase is Logastash where the logs are ingested and transformed into the Elastic stack. There are three stages within the Logstash pipeline which are inputs, filters, and outputs. Logstash supports an array of ingestion plugins called inputs which include Beats, Syslog, Kafka, Amazon S3, and more can be found here. Logstash has the ability to transform data/filter logs such as rename fields from destination_ip to dst_ip or the ability to enrich a value from to an FQDN of Lastly, Logstash can output data to an array of platforms such as Elasticsearch(covered in this blog post), Kafka, MongoDB, and more can be found here.

This blog post will focus on using Elasticsearch as our “long term storage” solution. Elasticsearch is the heart of the entire stack! Elasticsearch is a text-based search engine so you can give it a term like “foo”, and it will search all its logs for the keyword “foo”.

The last phase is Kibana where you can visually search and create meaningful dashboards of the data within Elasticsearch. Later in this post, we will be creating a dashboard to visualize the Zeek data within Elasticsearch. This dashboard will contain widgets such as the top 10 most queried domains within the environment, top 10 file hashes seen on the network, a map of all the GeoIP correlated IP addresses, and a time series graph of the amount of traffic in/out of the network. Finally, Kibana and Elasticsearch work together to allow for granular searches, more info can be found here.

Install/Setup Elastic stack 7.0 on Ubuntu 18.04

Manual install

Add Elastic repo

  1. sudo su
  2. apt-get update -y
  3. apt-get install apt-transport-https -y
  4. wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
  5. echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list
  6. apt-get update -y

Install/Setup Java

  1. apt-get update -y
  2. apt install openjdk-8-jdk
  3. java -version

Install/Setup Elasticsearch

  1. apt-get install elasticsearch
  2. sed -i 's/ localhost/g' /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
  3. sed -i 's/#http.port: 9200/http.port: 9200/g' /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
  4. systemctl enable elasticsearch
  5. systemctl start elasticsearch
  6. systemctl status elasticsearch

Test Elasticsearch

  1. curl http://localhost:9200

Install/Setup Logstash

  1. apt-get install logstash -y
  2. mkdir /etc/logstash/ssl
  3. openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/logstash/ssl/logstash.key -out /etc/logstash/ssl/logstash.crt
  4. wget -O /etc/logstash/conf.d/02-input-beats.conf

    # Inputs are used to ingest logs from remote logging clients
    input {
      # Ingest logs that match the Beat template
      beats {
        # Accept connections on port 5044
        port => 5044
        # Accept SSL connections
        ssl => true
        # Public cert files
        ssl_certificate => "/etc/logstash/ssl/logstash.crt"
        ssl_key => "/etc/logstash/ssl/logstash.key"
        # Do not verify client
        ssl_verify_mode => "none"
  5. wget -O /etc/logstash/conf.d/10-filter-beats.conf

    # Filters are used to transform and modify the logs
    filter {
        # Only apply these transformations to logs that contain the "Zeek" tag
        if "zeek" in [tags] {
            # Extract the json into Key value pairs
            json {
                source => "message"
            # Remove the message field because it was extracted above
            mutate {
                remove_field => ["message"]
            # Rename field names
            mutate {
                rename => ["id.orig_h", "src_ip" ]
                rename => ["id.orig_p", "src_port" ]
                rename => ["id.resp_h", "dst_ip" ]
                rename => ["id.resp_p", "dst_port" ]
                rename => ["", "hostname" ]
  6. wget -O /etc/logstash/conf.d/20-elasticsearch-output.conf

    # Outputs take the logs and output them to a long term storage
    output {
      # Send logs that contain the zeek tag too
      if "zeek" in [tags] {
        # Outputting logs to elasticsearch
        elasticsearch {
          # ES host to send logs too
          hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
          # Index to store data in
          index => "zeek-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" 
  7. systemctl enable logstash
  8. systemctl start logstash

Install/Setup Kibana

  1. apt-get install kibana
  2. sed -i 's/ "localhost"/ "localhost"/g' /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
  3. sed -i 's/#server.port: 5601/server.port: 5601/g' /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
  4. sed -i 's?#elasticsearch.hosts:?elasticsearch.hosts:?g' /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
  5. systemctl enable kibana
  6. systemctl start kibana
  7. systemctl status kibana

Install/Setup Nginx

  1. apt-get install nginx
  2. mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl
  3. openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key -out /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt
  4. openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem 4096
    1. This will take a while ~10-20mins
  5. wget -O /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  6. wget kibana.conf -O /etc/nginx/conf.d/kibana.conf
    1. sed -i 's#server_name kibana;#server_name <FQDN of Kibana>;#g' /etc/nginx/conf.d/kibana.conf
  7. systemctl enable nginx
  8. systemctl restart nginx

Test Kibana and Nginx

  1. Open a web browser
  2. Browse to https://<IP addr or FQDN of server>

Configure UFW

  1. ufw enable
  2. ufw allow ssh
  3. ufw allow http
  4. ufw allow https
  5. ufw allow 5044/tcp
  6. ufw reload
  7. ufw status

Deploy Elastic stack via Docker

  1. openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout conf/ssl/docker.key -out conf/ssl/docker.crt
    1. Generate TLS certs
  2. openssl dhparam -out conf/ssl/dhparam.pem 2048
  3. docker-compose build
  4. docker-compose up -d
  5. docker ps
  6. docker stats

Ship Zeek logs with Filebeat

Add Elastic repo

  1. sudo su
  2. apt-get update -y
  3. apt-get install apt-transport-https -y
  4. wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
  5. echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list
  6. apt-get update -y

Install/Setup Filebeat on Ubuntu 18.04

  1. apt-get install filebeat -y
  2. mkdir /etc/filebeat/ssl
  3. SCP /etc/logstash/ssl/logstash.crt from the Logstash server to filebeat client at /etc/filebeat/ssl/logstash.crt
  4. wget -O /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
    ############### Filebeat Configuration Example ###############
    #=================== Filebeat inputs =============
    # Each - is an input. Most options can be set at the input level, so
    # you can use different inputs for various configurations.
    # Below are the input specific configurations.
    - type: log
      # Change to true to enable this input configuration.
      enabled: true
      # Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
        - /opt/bro/logs/current/*.log
    #=================== General =============
    # The name of the shipper that publishes the network data. It can be used to group
    # all the transactions sent by a single shipper in the web interface.
    # The tags of the shipper are included in their own field with each
    # transaction published.
    tags: ["zeek"]
    # Optional fields that you can specify to add additional information to the
    # output.
    #  env: staging
    #=================== Outputs =============
    #------------------- Logstash output -----
      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["localhost:5044"]
      # Optional SSL. By default is off.
      # List of root certificates for HTTPS server verifications
      #ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/pki/root/ca.pem"]
      # Certificate for SSL client authentication
      #ssl.certificate: "/etc/filebeat/ssl/logstash.crt"
      # Client Certificate Key
      #ssl.key: "/etc/pki/client/cert.key"
  5. sed -i 's#"localhost:5044"#"<IP addr or FQDN of Logstash>:5044"#g' /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
  6. systemctl enable filebeat
  7. systemctl start filebeat
  8. systemctl status filebeat

Configure/Utilizing Kibana

Create Kibanna index pattern

  1. Open a web browser
  2. Browse to https://<IP addr or FQDN of server>
  3. Select the Discover icon in the top left – looks like a compass
  4. Create index pattern: Define index pattern
    1. Enter “zeek-*” into “index pattern”
    2. Select “Next step”
  5. Create index pattern: Configure settings
    1. Select “@timestamp” for “time filter field name”
    2. Select “Create index pattern”
  6. Select the Discover icon in the top left – looks like a compass

Searching with Kibana


  • AND
  • NOT
  • OR
  • : – equals
  • :* – key exists

Example searches

The search bar helps you form queries as you type.

  • Search as you type
    • Search term
    • operator
  • Search with time frame
  • Add field attributes – Hover over a field and select “Add”
  •  dst_ip:
    • Search for a specific IP address in the Zeek index
  • dst_ip:208.67.220.*
    • Search for an IP address using a wildcard in the Zeek index
  • NOT dst_ip:
    • Search for any IP address not in the Zeek index
  • dst_ip: and dst_port : 53
    • AND operator
  • dst_ip: OR dst_ip:
    • OR operator

Create visualizations

Create top 20 domains

  1. Select “Visualize”
  2. Select “Create a visualization”
  3. Select “Pie”
  4.  Select “Split slices”
    1. Select Significant terms for aggregation
    2. Select query.keyword for field
    3. Enter 20
    4. Select “Save”
      1. Enter “top 20 domains”
      2. Select “Confirm save”

Create a connection log counter

  1. Select “Visualize”
  2. Select “+” in the top right
  3. Select “Metric”
  4. Select “Split group”
    1. Set timeframe to “Today” in top right
    2. Select Significant terms for aggregation
    3. Select log.file.path.keyword for field
    4. Enter 1 into Size
    5. Enter log.file.path:"/opt/bro/logs/current/conn.log" into filter
    6. Select “Save”
      1. Enter “Connection counter” for the name
      2. Select “Confirm save”

Create histogram

  1. Select “Visualize”
  2. Select “+” in the top right
  3. Select “Vertical bar”
  4. Expand Y-axis
    1. Select Count for “Aggregation”
  5. Expand X-axis
    1. Select Date Histogram for Aggregation
    2. Select @timestamp for Field
    3. Select Auto for Interval
  6. Select “Save”
    1. Enter “Zeek Histrogram” for the title
    2. Select “Confirm save”

Create Zeek dashboard

  1. Select “Dashboard” on the left
  2. Select “Create new dashboard”
  3. Select “Add” in the top left
    1. Select each visualization
    2. Select “X” in top right
  4. Select “Save” in top right
    1. Enter “Zeek Dashboard”
    2. Select “Confirm save”


7 thoughts on “Back in the saddle: Install/Setup Elastic stack 7.0 on Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Tom Morgan says:

    Great post. I am having a problem with the SSL on filebeats to logstash.
    Getting this error:
    2019-08-18T12:28:50.705-0400 ERROR instance/beat.go:877 Exiting: error initializing publisher: key file not configured accessing ‘output.logstash.ssl’ (source:’/etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml’)
    Exiting: error initializing publisher: key file not configured accessing ‘output.logstash.ssl’ (source:’/etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml’)
    If I comment out ssl.certificate: “/etc/filebeat/ssl/logstash.crt”
    it connects but fails the ssl on logstash.
    Any Ideas on this one?

  2. Pauk says:

    Followed line by line and run into paser errors:

    [WARN ][logstash.filters.json ] Error parsing json {:source=>”message”, :raw=>”…….

    What is the issue? I used your config files.

  3. Mike says:

    Thank you so much for this! Got a lot of hiccups I was encountering with older guides figured out thanks to your write-up!

  4. Stephane Lantin says:

    I’ve been trying to setup a new ELK Ubuntu server, but I get stuck in your guide around nginx, looks like the files are gone on your github?

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