Monthly Archives: April 2019

Detecting malicious downloads with Osquery, Rsyslog, Kafka, Python3, and VirusTotal

This blog post will explore how to set up a simple logging pipeline to detect maliciously downloaded files. This setup will utilize technologies such as Osquery, Rsyslog, Kafka, Docker, Python3, and VirusTotal for a logging pipeline. If this pipeline detects a malicious file, a Slack alert will be triggered.

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Detecting SSH brute forcing with Zeek

In this blog post, we will explore how Zeek detects SSH brute forcing. We will explore the SSH handshake to understand how it works. Next, I will demonstrate several test cases of Zeek detecting SSH brute forcing. Finally, this post will lay down the foundation to implement active defense controls with Zeek in future posts.

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Part 1: Install/Setup Zeek + pf_ring on Ubuntu 18.04 on Proxmox 5.3 + openVswitch


Monitoring your home network can be challenging without enterprise-grade equipment. Although monitoring your home network can prove to be difficult, Proxmox and Zeek provide the perfect solution to monitor your home network. This blog post will cover how to setup Zeek+PF_Ring to monitor network traffic on Proxmox.

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